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小豪 2024-09-08 09:04 #简历
文章标签 英语


Name: xxx 
Gender: male 
Date of Birth: xxxx/xx/xx
Residency: HuangShi
Zip Code: 435xxxxx 
Career Objective:English Teacher
Home Tel: 086-xxxx-xxxxxxx 
Mobile: 0714-xxxxxxxxxxx
Email: t135@t135.com
Political Background:probationary party member
Leadership Position:the chair of league member
Address: HuBei province HuangShi City Ma Fang village

Work Experience

2005/07-2005/9:commended by dean to be an English private tutor in BeiJing
2006/03--2007/05:QiHui private tutor Center as an English Tutor in XianNing
2007/06-2008/12:as an English Tutor teaching High School student in HuangShi
2007/10-2008/05:as a student secretary of the college of foreign studies
2008/08-2008/12:an English training teacher of Info Tech Essentials, Inc. Huang Shi Branch


2004/09--2007/06  XianNing University  English Education  Associate
2007/09--2009/06  HuBei Normal Univercity English  Bachelor
2006/10--2006/12 No 14 Middle School in HuangShi city  English cadet teacher

Language Skills


English excellent Japanese  average
2008/03  TEM Level 8 EVIII 0810045236
2007/04  TEM Level 4 EIV 0710075088
2006/06  CET-6  061242066001800
2005/12  provincial Computer Level Test Band1  2005121141345
2004/12  Mandarin Chinese Rating Certificate  X1140430787
2007/7  Teacher qualification certificate  200742XXXX0000459


national scholarship
the first ranking scholarship
the second ranking scholarship
3 good’s student
outstanding student leader9 f2 m:
excellent League Member
the second price in teacher skill competition in HuBei Normal University
the first price in normal students’ teaching lesson
the third price in students’acqierement
the outstanding price in first term in Telecommunications Cup Resume Competition

Self Assessment

self-confidence, industry, and enthusiasm as well as great passion for education

免责声明:我们致力于保护作者版权,注重分享,当前被刊用文章因无法核实真实出处,未能及时与作者取得联系,或有版权异议的,请联系管理员,我们会立即处理! 部分文章是来自自研大数据AI进行生成,内容摘自(百度百科,百度知道,头条百科,中国民法典,刑法,牛津词典,新华词典,汉语词典,国家院校,科普平台)等数据,内容仅供学习参考,不准确地方联系删除处理!邮箱:344225443@qq.com)
